Alderbury & Whaddon Gardening Club

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    Programme for 2025

     23 January               Fran Clifton: ‘Through the Seasons at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens’

     27 February             Ben Pope: ‘Treading gently through the borders’

     27 March                 Neil Grey (Melcourt Industries): ‘Using peat free products’

     17 April                    Annual Visit to RHS Wisley: self drive

     24 April                    Ray Broughton: ‘Easy plants for difficult places’

     10 May (SAT.)         Plant Sale: 10.00 - 11.30am (at The Parish Lantern)

     22 May                     Andy McIndoe: ‘Planting for wildlife’.

 (Joint meeting with Alderbury, in our Main Hall)

     12 June                   Day Trip to Parham House, West Sussex, by coach

     14 June(SAT)          TBC - Whiteparish Fete. WGC stall with activities

     26 June                   Trustees of King John’s Garden: ‘A History of the Garden’

     24 July                    Summer Garden Party/BBQ 16 August (SAT.) GARDEN AND HOBBIES SHOW

     25 September         Tim Woodland: ’Autumn bulbs for spring flowers’

     23 October              Simon Goldsack: ’Holme: The making of a new public garden’

     27 November           AGM with refreshments.

     22 January’26          Pip Bensley: talk title tbc

     An evening visit will be arranged during the summer.

     All events are on Thursday unless shown.

     Talks held in Whiteparish Memorial Centre, now 7.15pm (refreshments) for 7.30 start

     Enquiries to